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  • Writer's pictureKillian Andersen

Geneva 2023 - My First Ever Marathon

I had absolutely no business reaching that finish line. But I still got there.

Injury stricken and with only 52km of running under my belt in the previous three months, I set out to complete my first-ever marathon. Emotions were high, but I was ready to take it on.

Reaching the finish line of my first marathon
Geneva Marathon Finish Line

Kilometres 1-5:

I was nervous but confident. Steady but wary. I needed to make sure I didn't get carried away early on. I held back and allowed people to pass me. For the first time ever, I did not run with an ego. I was ready to take on Geneva and win!

Kilometres 6-10:

My confidence grew. I was running well, breathing well, and my injuries were under control. I filmed the beautiful scenes around me and I enjoyed the experience. Spirits were high among the surrounding runners and we were all loving life. That was never going to last long though.

Kilometres 11-15:

I held onto that confidence and remained strong. Never faltering as I kept a steady pace. The first 15km was easy, but that wasn't a scary distance. The next 27km is what terrified me. Let's see how that goes I thought.

Kilometres 16-21.1:

The first little injury hit me on kilometre 18. Nothing too serious. I knew I could carry on, but it worried me that it came so early in the race. By kilometre 20, I was running comfortably again, but for how long?

Kilometres 21.1 - 25:

I had passed the halfway point. I was fighting off the emotions at the thought that I might actually be able to complete the full thing. I had to keep reminding myself to take it one kilometre at a time. Every step closer from here on out was a victory.

Kilometres 26-30:

My knee injury felt worse. I had to slow to a walk as I passed through the water stations to try and bring it back to life. From here on out it was a mental battle. I was ready for it though. Even though I didn't train my body correctly in the build-up, my mind was a well-oiled machine.

Kilometres 31-35:

A massive downhill as the race headed back towards Geneva took its toll on my body. I knew I could complete it, but the pain was excruciating. This was it. The last 10km were going to be the hardest of the entire race.

Kilometres 36-42.2:

The home straight. Willed on by my coach and friend from the sideline. I dug deep and pushed through the pain. Half limping, half running I forced myself to the finish line. I crossed it crying and then collapsed into a heap. I completed my first-ever marathon in 3 hours 57 minutes and 12 seconds. What's next?

Aftermath Thoughts

I couldn't contain my emotions immediately after the race and was swapping between laughing, crying and absolute delirium. I had just completed my hardest physical challenge to date. The only thought I could focus on was, "What's next?". That question burned a hole in my mind. I wanted more. I wanted to go through the hardship. I enjoyed the struggle and the pain of the marathon and wanted more. When I eventually came through I decided I would book another race once I had begun my recovery back in Ireland. Now I'm home and I want one sooner rather than later. Hungry to train correctly and beat my time. August! I'll aim for an August race and see how we go. These are exciting times. Welcome to the era of endurance accomplishments.


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