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  • Writer's pictureKillian Andersen

My Favourite Hikes in 2023... So Far

We're not even halfway through the year yet and I've already fallen in love with more hikes than I can count. I'll narrow my list down to ten of my favourite hikes this year. Just wait until you hear some of the reasons why they are my favourites.

10. Mount Leinster - A Solo Sunset Mission

The route up to Mount Leinster

Let's start this list off with a bang. This hike took place on my drive home from work. I had already been for an impulsive sea swim and the sun was starting to set... "MOUNTAIN", I half yelled to myself as I saw Mount Leinster in the distance. The race was on. Me versus the sunset. Who would win? Once I parked up, I barrelled up the mountain to reach the summit before sunset. 40 minutes later I was sitting at the peak waiting for the sun to drop below the horizon and illuminate the sky with a mix of orange, red and candyfloss pink. The sunset mission was a success.

Distance: 5.3km

Duration: 2 hours

Difficulty: Easy

Starting Point: Nine Stones Car Park

9. Slieve Binnian - A Trip Up North

Climbing over the Mourne Wall hiking Binnian

Normally the mighty Slieve Binnian would rank higher in my top ten lists, but the peak has some stiff competition this year. That doesn't mean that this wasn't an epic hike filled with so many twists and turns. We got up for a sunrise hike. Timed it to perfection so that we would reach the summit exactly at the right time. What we didn't take into account is that we were all overtired and nobody was checking the maps. We took three wrong turns and the sun started to rise before we even gained any elevation. Well done to us. Although, the hike was still beautiful and it makes for a great story. I also fell in a river, but I like to pretend it didn't happen.

Distance: 11km

Duration: 4-5 hours

Difficulty: Moderate

Starting Point: Carrick Little Car Park

8. Djouce - My First Solo Sunrise of the Year

The summit of Djouce at sunrise

The early bird catches the sunrise... or arrives 35 minutes too early at the summit in -7 degrees Celsius temperatures. Whoops. There's a common theme here of my poor decision-making skills on hikes. But I would argue that every poor decision that I make ends up improving the hike in some way, shape or form. For example, the sunrise wasn't that spectacular on this hike but the brisk cold and views of a glassy Guinness Lake made it special for me. As well as being the only person on the trail. Simply beautiful.

Distance: 11km

Duration: 3.5-4.5 hours

Difficulty: Moderate

Starting Point: Ballinastoe Car Park

7. Miraduoro Pico Alto - An Accidental Hike

A sweaty man and his camera on a hike

If you can't tell by the sweat, this was a struggle of a hike. I had no intention of hiking that day, left my gear in my hotel and had already been on a run and sat down for a pint and food before I accidentally stumbled upon this trail. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tackle one more trail in Madeira before my flight home the next morning. You'll never regret going on one more hike. Your body will recover and the memories will last a lifetime. Never say no to an adventure.

Distance: 10km

Duration: 3 hours

Difficulty: Moderate

Starting Point: Monte, Madeira

6. Tonelagee - My First Sunset Hike of the Year

Silhouette of a man standing in front of a sunset on Tonelagee

I believe this was on the 2nd of January. Not too bad for the middle of winter, eh? This was another race against the sunset. After work, we headed straight for the mountains to catch the first sunset of the year and it did not disappoint. There's a thrill that comes with sprinting up a mountain in an attempt to watch the sunrise. This one was planned enough to have a flask of tea prepped and ready to go at the summit. The sheer peace of this sunset makes it one of my favourite hikes in 2023.

Distance: 4km

Duration: 1.5-2 hours

Difficulty: Easy to moderate

Starting Point: Turlough Hill Car Park

5. Pico Ruivo - A Solo Trip to Madeira

A cafe at the beginning of a hike up Pico Ruivo

Wet, humid and foggy. I took on the highest peak on the island of Madeira from a route less travelled. With well over 1000 metres of elevation gain and the locals looking at me like I was mad, I never even considered that I might've bitten off more than I could chew until I was sliding down a moss-covered trail after 20km of hiking. The moral of the story though, I'm still here and I had sat in the cafe pictured above for an hour researching the trail and if it was doable in the winter months. It was.

Distance: 20km

Duration: 5-6 hours

Difficulty: Hard

Starting Point: Cafetaria Queimadas

4. Slieve Foye - A Surprising Gem

A woman standing on a rock along the Slieve Foye hike

I was so confused when Carlingford was suggested to me for a hike. I knew Carlingford as a spot to head to for a weekend session, not as a hiking hub. I was sorely mistaken The hills around Carlingford were beautiful. With views of the Irish Sea and the Mournes across the estuary. I'm already planning my return to the area. There is beauty nearly everywhere you look.

Distance: 10km

Duration: 4 hours

Difficulty: Moderate

3. Black Hill - Snow in March

A man hiking through the snowy mountains

The picture says it all really. Snow-covered peaks and blue skies. I was back in my childhood. Running through knee-deep snow and seeing how long until my hands fell off from all the snowballs I was making. It's days like these that bring out your inner child that you'll remember forever.

Distance: 4.5km

Duration: 1.5-2 hours

Difficulty: Easy

Starting Point: Ballynultagh Gap

2. Sargans - Lost in Lichtenstein

A bench in Switzerland facing the mountains of Lichtenstein

Now I don't believe that I was lost. I just didn't know where I was at the time. They're two different things! I attempted a hiking trail here with literally no research. I wanted to test myself to see how far I could go. Three re-routes, two rockfalls and one slip later I somehow found myself walking towards Lichtenstein, having given up on my dream of making it to the summit. Even though I didn't make it, I do not feel as though I failed because I tested my limitations and loved every minute of it.

Distance: Unknown

Duration: 8 hours

Difficulty: Hard

Starting Point: Sargans Train Station

1. Lugnaquilla - The Best Sunset Hike of My Life

The sunsetting behind a woman on Lugnaquilla

Just look at that sunset! Wow! This was by far one of the most breathtaking hikes I've ever been on, not just this year, but in my life. As we reached the final ascent it didn't look as though we'd be getting any spectacular views, until I had the urge to check the other side... The sun was illuminating the mist below a light orange. It felt like we were walking above burning clouds. The pictures don't even do it justice. This was one for the history books.

Distance: 13.5km

Duration: 5 hours

Difficulty: Hard

Starting Point: Baravore Car Park


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