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  • Writer's pictureKillian Andersen

Hike Walk Through: Carrauntoohill Via the Devil's Ladder

If you've ever looked up hiking in Ireland, you've probably come across the infamous Devil's Ladder of Carrauntoohill. As the name suggests, this hike is not one to be taken lightly. It is a gruelling test of patience, hiking ability, and awareness. Let us tell you the story of how we took on Ireland's highest mountain and won... sort of.

The First Section...

There are two main car parks to start the Devil’s Ladder hike from, Cronins Yard and Lisleibane. We chose to start from the latter as we were driving down the night before to sleep in our cars. We only arrived at the car park at midnight and I’m pretty sure that Cronin’s Yard Car Park closes at some stage, so we didn’t want to take the risk of going there.

The trail from here to the foot of the Devil’s Ladder is relatively easy to follow once you make sure to follow it between the two lakes and not get dragged to your right up towards “Hag’s Tooth”. The route passed Hag’s Tooth is very difficult and even the most experienced hikers can run into trouble on it.

You’ll know once you hit the foot of the Devil’s Ladder as it is one of the most intimidating trails to look up at, especially in poor conditions. We were lucky enough to take on the hike on one of the hottest days of 2022, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t come without risks. If you have a fear of heights, like me, you’ll struggle with this trail but it is still doable just make sure to take your time. Always be sure to take a few moments for yourself and soak in the views as you ascend the trail.

An Incident...

We were about three-quarters of the way up Devil’s Ladder when rocks started tumbling down the trail at us (and on the Devil’s Ladder they build up some serious speed). One of the girls, who actually noticed the falling rocks before anyone else, got hit across the leg by one of the rocks which was bigger than my head… and I have a pretty big head. This was a major setback that could have caused us to call mountain rescue, but lucky for us (and her especially) her injury wasn’t too bad and she was able to continue. It just goes to show that no matter how prepared you are, nature is out of your control.

The Hike Resumes...

Now back to the trail! Once you reach the top of the Devil’s Ladder firstly, it’s time for a break and then secondly the trail veers up to your left and in good conditions, you can see the peak of the mighty Carrauntoohill. It’s a great feeling knowing you’ve made it through the hardest part of the hike.

Once you’ve reached the summit be sure to take in the breathtaking views from every angle before retracing your steps down the mountain and towards the Devil’s Ladder. However, we’re not going to put you through the pain of taking on the Devil’s Ladder a second time in the same hike. Instead, continue walking up to the next peak, Cnoc na Toinne. Keep your eyes peeled once you reach that peak because there’s a small trail to your left that zig-zags back down to the foot of the Devil’s Ladder offering a new perspective of Ireland’s highest mountain as you go.

Now all you need to do is relax and follow the trail back to the car but prepare for the journey to feel longer than you expect. At the stage, hikers' delirium (as we like to call it) has well and truly set in and you’ll be both exhausted but also hopped up on adrenaline.

Quick Facts...

Total Time: 4-6 Hours

Difficulty: Hard

Hiking Gear: Essential

Snacks: Essential

Water: Essential

Hiking Experience: Essential

Beginners: Go with a guide or an experienced friend.

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