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  • Writer's pictureKillian Andersen

3 Must Do Hikes in Wicklow

When you think of hiking in Wicklow you probably go straight to Gelndalough, but did you know there are so many more breathtaking hikes to try when you visit Ireland's Garden County? We're here to let you in on three gems that you may not have heard of yet.

3. Djouce from Ballinastoe Woods

Distance: 11km

Duration: 3-5 hours depending on your fitness level and hiking style

Start Point: Ballinastoe Car Park

You start off your hiking adventure by following the trail through the mythical Ballinastoe Woods, making sure to keep the Guinness Lake on your left as you ascend towards the JB Malone Memorial. This is the best point to stop off and get that perfect Instagram pic overlooking the lake below.

As you ascend towards Djouce, you'll be treated to views of the surrounding mountains including the Sugarloaf, and Luggala, and on a clear day, you can even see all the way across to Snowdonia in Wales. How amazing is that?

This is a relatively easy trail to follow, but as always if you are a beginner you should hike with someone experienced and use a map or a trails app so that you can become more familiar with navigating trails yourself.

View the Trail: Hiiker

2. The Love Heart Lake Loop

Distance: 11km Loop Trail

Duration: 3-5 hours depending on your fitness level and hiking style

One of Wicklow's many hidden gems. The Lough Ouler (Love Heart Lake) Loop is a favourite of many Irish hikers. The route up can be tough to follow and is nearly always boggy and wet underfoot, but the views from the peak offer a range of majestic mountain tops and a blue love heart-shaped lake below.

We don't recommend tackling this trail alone, especially as an inexperienced hiker as it is very easy to get lost, but you can always reach out to the many social hiking groups on Instagram and ask them if they are planning any upcoming trips to this trail. Some of these amazing groups are Sliabh Hiking, Soul Stuff Social, and Galz Gone Wild. If you're a student, be sure to check out if your college has a hiking club, and if not maybe you can try to set one up yourself!

View the Trail: Hiiker

1. Lugnaquilla from Fraughan Rock Glen

Distance: 13km

Duration: 4-6 hours depending on your fitness level and hiking style

Starting Point: Baravore Car Park

This list wouldn't be complete without a route up to Leinster's highest mountain, Lugnaquilla. This trail will take in rolling green hills, forest trails, sheer cliff faces, and a gentle waterfall. It truly showcases everything the Wicklow mountains have to offer. There are plenty of places to stop for a quick picnic along the way, but our favourite is just at the top of the waterfall. You'll be treated to views of the valley below and there are some fantastic sitting rocks to rest your legs.

The majority of this trail is easy to follow but as you approach the infamous plateau of Lugnaquilla you need to have your wits about you as it is so easy to get disorientated and end up strolling down the wrong route. It's happened to everyone at least once when they've attempted the mighty Lugnaquilla.

View the Trail: Hiiker


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